Welcome, I'm

Located in Columbus, Ohio.

derek meduri image
derek meduri with dogs

About Me

As an enthusiastic and forward-thinking software developer, I provide a mix of creativity, innovation, and dedication with extensive leadership, communication, and organizational capabilities. I am seeking an entry level position in software development to apply and refine my technical skills. Eager to contribute with my critical and analytical thinking within a collaborative team environment that values mentorships, fosters growth and encourages continual individual development.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Javascript
  • React
  • NextJs
  • ViteJs
  • SQL
  • MongoDB

Examples of my Work


Updated professional portfolio you are currently viewing. Built with Nextjs and React components.

Vite Portfolio Site

Professional portfolio created as final project for The Ohio State University College of Engineering Certificate Program. Built with ViteJs and React components

614 Dim Sum

WIP mobile ordering application for fictional restaurant. Built with NextJs, React components and Javascript

Profile Energy

WIP web application for private clien. Built with ViteJs, React components and Javascript

Weather Forecast App

Web application to search for 5 day forecasts. Built with HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. Utilizes local storage for search history.

Workday Planner App

Web application to manage your workday. Built with HTML5, CSS and Javascript

Note Taker App

Web application to take notes or make todo lists. Built with HTML5, CSS, Javascript, and ExpressJs

Password Generator

Web application built to randomly generate passwords. Built with HTML5, CSS and Javascript

Nebulas Fables

Interactive learning tool. Built with HandlebarsJs, Javascript and NASA's Free Image API

Squabble Sesh

Social Media web application. Built with ViteJs, Javascript, ExpressJS, Apollo and MongoDB

Let's Connect

If you would like to discuss a project or a job opportunity please fill out the form and I will take it from there! I Look forward to bringing your visions to life.

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